Workflow automation: ERP/CRM for SMEs
Automation of deals flow management to boost efficiency by reducing over 25% of costs of trade and shipments with polymers and oil products
It takes seconds to buy simple things like a pen, but to produce it and many other plastic things around us, companies need to buy and deliver polymers and spend over 40 hours of employees working on this process each time
The Problem
Because the deals and shipments process are a mess
Everyday 30ะบ US and 60k EU only plastic traders lose from 4 to 6 hours of employees' work time on messy operational work. Each hour costs them from $30 to $60 in salaries and much more in losses in transparency and lost profit
We came from polymers trading industry.
When we had to buy and deliver raw materials for manufacturing, we had to grab the phone, open excel tables, send tons of docs, and go to the meetings
We created CommTrade SaaS solution that saves 25% of employees ineffective work time by automating, tracking, and streamlining workflows between the contractors
We calculate that it saves over 1 thousand dollars per deal. An average trading company makes over 50 deals monthly. So we can provide monthly savings of over 50 thousand for each company
There are 90k
Small and Medium US and EU plastic traders
Each can free
300 hours work time costs monthly
CommTrade SaaS platform
Our solution will let participants save 15% of operating costs and make 20% more profits by using a list of instruments
Docs workflows and negotiating automation
The CommTrade interface allows you to perform all actions between all participants without going beyond its framework, simplifying, reminding, prompting and automating some of the actions, such as creating documents and sending to the necessary authorities. Creating, checking, sharing, tracking, analyzing and recording information on actions taken.
Integrations and Automatisations
The interface can create data exchange forms and documents both independently, based on its own blanks, and unload them from internal CRM systems used by companies (1C, SAP, Contour, etc.), by exchanging information through customizable APIs, or by simple transfer / loading documents and data.
Market and deals analytics instruments
Real-time reports on the market conditions including all the details necessary for effective work. As well as analysis of data and information on transactions and shipments made by you and your counterparties.
Blockchain as a Service
Data exchange, coordination and agreements are constantly recorded in a distributed registry (blockchain), which is unchanged and confidential without the presence of a third party - the operator. Such a fixation allows you to rely on this information as the truth, which will be evidence in controversial issues, with sabotage, intentional and unintentional intervention, losses, mistakes and other circumstances.
Logistics and Chain supply tracking
The functional that further in recruiting experience, learning in different situations and building confidence in the new interaction structure, will maximally and, when solving issues of remote tracking and trust-based tracking of logistics, fully automate the implementation of the full cycle of supply transactions, reducing the operational work of staff to minimum.
Payments and Trade Finance instruments
Payments automatization and accelerations through using new technologies, smart contracts, financial derivatives trading based on stable coins, and many other future things.
Ready to start your journey with CommTrade?